ARLA/CLUSTER: YI9PSE, a maior Dxpedição Internacional da historia ao Iraque

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 31 de Março de 2010 - 14:30:05 WEST

Ham radio DXpedition to Northern Iraq

A group of multi-national ham radio operators are planning to operate from Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) and will be active between April 2-12th.

The team has received a ten day visa issued by the Government of Kurdistan.

Operators Paul N6PSE (Team Leader), Bob N6OX, Bruce W8HW, Wayne W5KDJ, David AH6HY, Bill N2WB, Al K3VN, Jun JH4RHF, Hrane YT1AD, David K3LP, Jack W0UCE, Michel FM5CD, Krassimir K1LZ and Heathem YI1UNH have planned a DXpedition to Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, and will be QRV 2-12th April, 2010, using the callsign YI9PSE.

Activity will be on 160-10 metres, including the WARC bands, using CW, SSB and Digital modes with 5 stations at the same time on different bands and modes (2 CW, 2 SSB, 1 Digimodes).

Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1824, 3504, 7004, 10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894 and 28024 kHz;
SSB - 1845, 3780, 7065/7180, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz;
RTTY - 7035, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz.

Online logs will be available during and after the DXpedition.

QSL via N6NKT (George Williams, 3600 Springbrook Dr., San Jose, CA 95148 USA).

All donors of $5.00 or more, will be sent a QSL to your QRZ address. You don't need to mail them your card. You may donate directly to N6PSE, or via our PayPal.

Further information can be found at:<>


Station Location        TX/RX   PA      Antennas
Station Nº1     CW 1    ICOM IC-7600    ACOM 1000       3el SteppIR Beam for 10- 20+30/40m
1/4 Wire Verticals for 40 & 160 Meters
300' Wire Beverage
Station Nº2     CW 2    ICOM IC-7600    ACOM 1000       2el SteppIR Beam for 10-20 meters
1/4 Wire Vertical for 30 & 80 Meters
300' Wire Beverage
Station Nº3     SSB 1   ICOM IC-7600    ACOM 1010       C3S Beam for 10-20 meters
SteppIR BigIR Vertical 40-10 Meters
Station Nº4     SSB 2   ICOM IC-7600    ACOM 1010       2el SteppIR Beam for 10-20 meters
80/160 Vertical
Station Nº5     Digital 1       ICOM IC-7600    ACOM 1010       SteppIR BigIR Vertical for 10-80 meters
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