ARLA/CLUSTER: Radio Arcala aposta forte nos Açores para os concursos de HF.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 9 de Março de 2010 - 12:54:10 WET

Azores poised to hit hard at SSB DX Contest.

The group out of Radio Arcala and their associates will put the Azores on the air on a variety of bands for the ARRL SSB

CU2CE, CU2DX, OH2BH and OH8NC will be at the controls to provide you with an elusive Azores multiplier under a callsign not determined yet.

Please update your CTY files to take note of the fact that the CR2 prefix along with the traditional CU2 will represent this Azorean outpost, the westernmost point of Europe, one hour behind UTC time.

Soon Radio Arcala is scheduled to hold their Annual Meeting in the Azores and may activate several stations for the WPX SSB contest.

The meeting is expected to have on its agenda the important issue of broadening the scope of the original Arcalians and their mission by inviting several international partners to join the radio operator team and to enter into Radio Arcala technology partnerships.

Fonte: Radio Arcala
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