Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Velho rádio de morse faz parar comboios no Japão.

Carlos Mourato radiofarol
Quinta-Feira, 22 de Julho de 2010 - 07:07:38 WEST

Julgava que era so cá que havia "papalvos", mas parece que é geral!

No dia 21 de Julho de 2010 14:00, João Gonçalves Costa

>  Tuesday, July 20, 2010
> Mystery package causes train scare
> NAGOYA (Kyodo) A suspicious object on a train in Aichi Prefecture that was
> later confirmed to be a radio device left behind by a passenger caused a
> three-hour disruption Sunday evening on Nagoya Railroad Co.'s Komaki Line,
> police and railway officials said.
> It took about three hours after the object was found and taken off the
> train to determine *it was a ham radio Morse code transmitter*, which a
> 47-year-old company employee left behind on his way home after attending an
> amateur radio event in western Japan, the police said.
> After receiving a passenger report shortly past 8 p.m. that a suspicious
> bag was on the four-car train bound for the city of Inuyama from Nagoya,
> railway officials moved it to nearby Kasugai Station and called the police,
> they said.
> This led to the disruption of 25 train runs between Komaki and Nagoya from
> around 8 p.m. to 11:15 p.m.
> [image: The Japan Times Online] <>
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Best 73 from: regards from: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal

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