ARLA/CLUSTER: Forte crescimento na participação internacional anunciada no ILLW 2010.
João Gonçalves Costa
Terça-Feira, 20 de Julho de 2010 - 13:08:57 WEST
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend - THIS YEAR'S EVENT - 21-22 AUGUST 2010
Strong growth for International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
There's no stopping this popular annual event held each August with demonstrated interest by radio amateurs around the world continuing to grow.
While there are regulars who have participated in the weekend for the past decade, a strong trend is the registration of virgin or never before activated lighthouses.
Only going to prove there are plenty of lighthouses for anyone wanting to give this fun event a try.
An example is Australia with 10 of its 42 registrations so far this year being virgin lighthouses in VK2, VK5, VK6 and VK7.
With only four weeks to go to the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend the 21st and 22nd of August, the progressive tally is 250 registered with many for the first time.
Germany with 43 registrations is just ahead of Australia on 42, followed by the USA 29 and England 25.
Organisers of the Event, the Ayr Radio Club of Scotland GM0AYR are expecting a late rush of on-line registrations to the website ILLW.NET<> from radio amateurs in the more than 30 participating countries.
Jim Linton VK3PC
Portugal CR6LH Cabo Espichel PT0005 CT1GZB buro or direct Web<>
Portugal 2
CS2010M Montedor PT0010 CT1DSV Web<>
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