ARLA/CLUSTER: Administração neozelandesa preocupa com o acesso dos radioamadores à Internet.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Julho de 2010 - 13:38:09 WEST

New Zealand Association
of Radio Transmitters

Internet connected Amateur Radio

New Zealand's regulator MED has raised some concerns with NZART (the national amateur radio society) about IRLP, D-Star, Echolink, APRS and similar modes, as they do not appear to fit within their current licence (GURL) conditions.

Concerns raised include:

*the use of unattended transmitters and unlicensed digipeaters for APRS and

*Amateurs based overseas operating (via the Internet) a NZ amateur station.

The ALO, Don Wallace ZL2TLL is currently putting together a paper on this topic and would appreciate input from interested amateurs.

Will anyone interested in contributing please send an email to alo<mailto:alo> with "Internet Connected Amateur Radio" in the subject line.

Please feel free to contact me with any queries.


Don Wallace ZL2TLL

NZART Administration Liaison Officer

NZART website<>
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