ARLA/CLUSTER: Mais aplicações no iPhone para Rádio entusiastas

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2010 - 18:47:08 WET

iPhone apps for radio enthusiasts

Worlds are colliding. Steve Jobs and Guglielmo Marconi both have equal hands in the latest enhancements to the radio buff's inventory, as Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch devices play host to a variety of radio-related applications.

 Anton Nino (N2RUD), local technology teacher and amateur radio operator, recently described to me how he categorizes the radio apps he has looked into. There are basically three categories of radio apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch format, he said.

1. AM-FM music & NPR listeners: "WunderRadio" gets top marks from reviewers, and is more like listening to a radio than the apps that just let you collect and organize radio music, like Pandora. WunderRadio is recommended on the WCNY-FM Web site. I think there's also an app for Sirius satellite radio subscribers.

 2. Police-fire scanners: These are basically shortcuts to online scanner Web sites, and the app optimizes for the small Touch screen. "5-0 Radio" & "Scanner911" are examples.

 3. Ham radio utilities: These apps are probably created by hams and meant to be used by hams. They include Morse code practice, beacon data, FCC exam study, etc. There are also call-sign look-up utilities and satellite trackers.

 Thanks go to Nino for the information. Though I personally am slow to endorse Apple's hand-helds (too pricey for me versus how I perceive device quality, and I detest iTunes), there is no denying that those in the radio hobbies are benefiting from the groundswell of popularity for these devices, as more apps emerge almost daily.

 Happy New Year.

Send news or questions about amateur radio to Lee Badman, KI2K, at features<mailto:features> or Stars, P.O. Box 4915, Syracuse, NY 13221.
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