ARLA/CLUSTER: Radios de AM voltam a brilhar no "AM Transmitter Rally Contest "( 6 e 7 de Fev. 2010)

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2010 - 18:02:45 WET

AM Transmitter Rally Contest

Building on the success of AM-specific operating events such as the Heavy Metal Rally, 1st Wednesday AM Night, and the Antique Wireless Association's Amplitude Modulation QSO Party, organizers announce the AM Transmitter Rally taking place February 6 on 160-10m using 'standard' Amplitude Modulation.

The purpose of this event is to encourage the use of Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands, and to highlight various types of AM equipment in use today.

This event is open to any and all radio amateurs who are running full carrier amplitude modulation (standard AM), and any type of equipment may be used.

Although there is a "points" system to encourage friendly competition, there is also an awards incentive for categories that showcase the relaxed, satisfying nature of receiving and transmitting conversations on AM.

The event runs from 6:00 AM E.S.T. Saturday morning Feb. 6, to 2:00 AM E.S.T. the following day (11 UTC, Saturday morning Feb. 6 to 7 UTC, Sunday morning Feb. 7, 2010) .

Commonly used AM Frequencies:
160 Meters: 1880-1885, 1930, 1945, 1975-1995 kHz.
80 Meters: 3730-3740, 3870-3885 kHz.
40 Meters: 7160, 7280-7295 kHz.
20 Meters: 14286 kHz.
15 Meters: 21425 kHz.
10 Meters: 29000-29200 kHz.

Complete details with scoring, awards, logbook templates, and additional information is at:
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