ARLA/CLUSTER: Belgas e Alemães afastam redes DGPS dos 438 MHz

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Terça-Feira, 23 de Fevereiro de 2010 - 11:59:25 WET

438 MHz DGPS network to move to 444 MHz

The Belgium UBA website reports a satisfactory conclusion to the problem of proposed Dutch network using the Amateur Radio 70cm band for Differential GPS (DGPS)

The Dutch, Belgium, and German national societies (VERON/UBA/DARC) worked closely together to achieve a lasting solution to the interference problem raised by the planned nationwide network of a Belgian company on Dutch territory.

The network had been assigned frequencies in the Amateur band between 438-440 MHz but they will now be assigned frequencies at 444 and 445 MHz instead.

The UBA say the next challenge will be to move the frequency of the existing DGPS applications from the Amateur band to this new frequency range.

The official announcement regarding DGPS appeared in the Kingdom of Netherlands Gazette dated January 26, 2010

Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs (UBA) in Google English

Sept. 2009 Dutch authorities propose rebanding D-STAR into 70cm satellite band

Sept. 2009 D-Star frequencies in the Netherlands
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