ARLA/CLUSTER: Versão 0.1 Alfa do " Open Source Digital Voice Codec2"
João Gonçalves Costa
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Agosto de 2010 - 17:04:42 WEST
Open Source Digital Voice Codec
David Rowe VK5DGR has released V0.1 alpha of Codec2, a fully function 2550 bit/s codec for Amateur Radio digital voice.
Codec2 is an open source low bit rate speech codec designed for communications quality speech at around 2400 bit/s. Applications include low bandwidth HF/VHF digital radio. It fills a gap in open source, free-as-in-speech voice codecs beneath 5000 bit/s. It is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
The lack of a copyright free Codec has impeded the development of Amateur Radio Digital Voice communications at both HF and VHF. It is hoped Codec2 will eventually be incorporated into DV software such as WinDRM and FDMDV which had relied on a non open source Codec.
Further information on Codec2 and audio samples are at
David Rowe VK5DGR Blog
Codec2 Email List
Thanks to Tony K2MO for his posting on the Digital Radio Yahoo Group
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