ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulador Sul Africano publica Quadro de Atribuição de Frequências

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Segunda-Feira, 16 de Agosto de 2010 - 12:46:12 WEST

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa

ICASA writing new regulations

South Africa's regulator ICASA is writing new regulations for all radio services. The regulations will complement the Table of Frequency Allocations published last week in the Government Gazette.

In addition supplementary band plans will be developed which, in the case of amateur radio, will cover the amateur frequency allocations and specify the conditions under which the bands may be used, such as modes and permitted power levels.

In the table of frequency allocations amateur radio acquired a VLF allocation namely from 135,7 - 137,8 kHz. Use of this allocation will however have to wait till the supplementary band plan is promulgated. At the SARL - ICASA liaison meeting held during last week ICASA agreed as an interim measure to add the VLF allocation to the current radio regulations. This would require a notice in the Government Gazette. ICASA undertook to have this completed by the next liaison meeting in early November.

The South African Radio League (SARL) requested ICASA to expedite the SADC agreement which would allow radio Amateurs in SADC countries to operate in each other's countries without the need for additional licenses or permits.

As the SARL requested this action over a year ago, ICASA was urged to complete the agreement as soon as possible, also before the next meeting. The Chairman of the meeting indicated that this was already in place for commercial vehicle travelling across borders and that he would expedite the process.

Since the establishment of the Liaison committee a number of issues have been resolved including the expansion of the 40 metre band, operation in South Africa by all licensed amateurs during the recent World Cup Soccer event, operation by delegates attending the 2011 IARU Region One conference in August 2011 and simplification for applying permission to operate Spread Spectrum.
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