ARLA/CLUSTER: Calculador D-STAR, selecione como interligar repetidores, reflectores, etc.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sábado, 17 de Outubro de 2009 - 20:27:26 WEST

Caros colegas,

Muito intuitivo, só tem de seleccionar as opções que querem para
obterem a resposta à função desejada.

Disponível em:

João Costa, CT1FBF

D-STAR Calculator Home Page

Welcome to version 2 of the D-STAR Web Calculator. This version has
been updated to include many of the features now available in the
Gateway G2 software and the latest DPlus software.

A few of the features:

- Programming to link repeaters;
- Programming to link to reflectors (Enhanced);
- Programming to connect to a specific user;
- Programming to get module status;
- Calculator now uses local database, cleaner data.

The calculator is designed to make operating D-STAR a simple process.
Select a few options and then the calculator tells you what you need
to program into your radio. While we can't program your radio, stay
tuned for future enhancements.

While the D-STAR calculator might not be perfect, it has been verified
by many and it hopefully will not lead you astray. If you do, for any
reason, find out that an error exists, please drop me a note with the
information. (Ed Woodrick WA4YIH)

Update Repeater System Records

The calculator is really easy to use, but let me give you a few tips.

- Select your local repeater under Source Repeater.

- Choose the local repeater module that you are going to talk to, 144
MHz, 440 MHz, or 1.2 GHz.

- Select the function the you want to program for. If you don't know
what to choose, start with "Local Repeater with Gateway".

- Choose the Destination repeater, if other than your local repeater.
Choose the Destination Repeater module, either on your local repeater,
if selected as the destination, or the remote repeater if selected as
the destination.

- Program your radio as suggested in the next section
For a description of what is going on, scroll to the bottom of the
page. The buddy on the left represents you, the buddy on the right
indicates the station that you are going to talk to.
The two paragraphs on either side of the buddies describe what is going on.

- The two paragraphs below the buddies indicate a sample initial dialog.

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