ARLA/CLUSTER: Antenas simples para operações em portátil.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 15 de Outubro de 2009 - 15:11:36 WEST

New antenna from SOTA beams

Two metres is a very popular band for portable operating but getting the balance right between performance and weight for the light-weight specialist remains a challenge.

SOTAbeams has introduced a new aerial in an effort to give portable operators high performance for minimal weight.

Their new Multi Function Dipole (MFD) weighs in at less than 430 gr including the feeder and is just 53cm long when packed.

It can be configured for FM or SSB, and is designed to be used in a variety of situations.

It is likely to be popular for Raynet use as well as for SOTA and more general portable operating.

Full details are on the SOTAbeams website at<>
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