ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej
Sábado, 21 de Novembro de 2009 - 14:07:56 WET


*12th and 13th


*Sponsored by Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club - NRA*

This Great Naval Contest will take place every year on December second

This year, *NRA (Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club)* will be organising the
International Naval Contest.

*When:* Saturday *12 Dec 2009* 16:00 UTC until Sunday *13 Dec 2009* 15:59

*Bands:* 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz

*Mode:* CW-SSB-Mixed

*Information to be given on contact:*

1. Naval Club Member: *RST* + *CLUB* + *MEMBERSHIP NUMBER* (eg. "*599 PN007*

2. Non Naval Club Member: *RST* + *NUMBER* (eg. "*599 001*")


1. Naval Club Members: 10 Points

2. Non Naval Club Members: 1 Point


1. Every contacted and logged member of a participating Naval Club.

2. Every Naval station only counted once as multiplier during the contest
regardless of the number of bands you work them on.

*Note:* Participation in contest only as member of one club, do not use
different club membership numbers.

*Score:* Total QSO points x Multipliers


A = All band mixed mode (single op)

B = All band CW (single op)

C = All band SSB (single op)

D = All band SWL

E = Naval-Club-Station (multi op)

F = Non Naval

*Trophys:* First winner of each class plus one more special trophy to the
winner of most participated category. The goal of this trophy is to increase

*Awards:* A Special Award will be present to first five classified stations
of each class;


All electronic Logs are to use formats: Cabrillo, Word or Excel.

Each Log is to be titled with the Contest Station Call Sign.

Having into consideration that there could be a large number of Old Men who
don't use computers, we will accept handwritten paper Logs.

*Participant Clubs:*

  ANARS Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society AX BMARS Belgian Maritime
Amateur Radio Society BM MFCA Marine Funker Club Austria CA FNARS Finish
Naval Amateur Radio Society FN INORC Italian Navy Old Rhythmers Club IN
MARAC Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands MA MF Marinefunker-Runde e.V. MF
ARMI Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italiani MI RNARS Royal Naval Amateur
Radio Society RN YO-MARC Romanian Marine Radio Amateur Club YO NRA Núcleo de
Radio Amadores da Armada Portugal PN

The summary sheet is to have "FAIR PLAY STATEMENT" stating that contest
rules and general amateur rules have been applied during operation.

*All handwritten paper Logs are to be forwarded to:*

NRA - Núcleo Radioamadores da Armada

International Naval Contest

ATTN: Contest Manager

ETNA - Base Naval de Lisboa - ALFEITE

2810-001 Almada


*Electronic Logs are to be addressed to:*

*E-Mail:* inc.contest09

2010 February 1st is the deadline to receive either electronic or
handwritten Contest Logs.

The NRA Chairman
Antonio Gamito,CT1CZT

Este e-mail destina-se a fornecer informações de utilidade para os
Radioamadores e não poderá ser considerado SPAM.
Esta mensagem está de acordo com a legislação Europeia sobre o envio de
mensagens, nomeadamente a Directiva 2002/58/CE, transposta para a legislação
Portuguesa através do Decreto-Lei n.º 7/2004 (capítulo IV - art. 20º e
seguintes) e eventuais alterações produzida pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2009.
Qualquer mensagem deverá estar claramente identificada com os dados do
emissor que deverá proporcionar ao receptor a hipótese de ser movido da
Para ser removido desta lista, basta que nos responda a esta mensagem
colocando a palavra "Remover" no Assunto.
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