ARLA/CLUSTER: Noruega ganha 70mhz

Carlos Mourato radiofarol
Sábado, 7 de Novembro de 2009 - 11:45:35 WET

E se calhar vão ganhar tambem uns PLCs de 3 a 300 MHz...Assim como nós por

2009/11/7 Antonio Matias <ct1ffu>

>            Lista dos países e frequências activos em 4m.
> Conditions*Country* *Freq. [kHz]**Power [W]* *License**Notes* Croatia
> 000-450 10   Czech Republic 100-30010 ERP Individual50 licenses until end
> of 2009 Denmark <> 988-062
> 088-112
> 188-287
> 313-387
> 413-51225 CEPTPicture does not show allocation outside 000-500 Eire125-45050 PEP
> General 25 W PEP mobileEstonia <>
> 041-042
> 140-300 10 EIRP
> 100/10Beacon
> CEPT Class A and B: 100 W
> Class D: 10 WFaeroe Islands 013-062
> 088-112
> 313-387
> 413-48725 Individual Everybody can apply for a license Finland
> Aaland, Market000-175
> 225-300 25, 30
> or 100CEPT Restrictions apply closer than 50 km to Norway and Russia
> boardersGermany 69995   DI2AX. DL3YEE QRG? Greece200-250 100 PEPCEPTMax
> bandwidth 3 kHz, i.e. no FM Greenland 000-500500-1000 CEPT?Conditions to
> be confirmed Luxemburg150-250 10 ERP   Monaco 000-50025 CEPTContact Claude
> Passet, 3A2LF, before operation Norway<>063-087
> 138-187
> 263-312
> 363-387
> 413-462100 CEPTApplies also to Svalbard, Bear Island, Jan Mayen, Bouvet
> Island, Peter I Island and the Norwegian land areas on Antarctica Portugal
> Azores, Madeira <>157-212
> 238-287 100 EIRPCEPT Class 1 onlySlovakia 250-35010 ERP IndividualClass E
> only Slovenia000-450 100   Somalia000-500 3000  Power limit is not a typo!South Africa
> 000-300 400 Power limit is in SSB/CW section Spain
> Ceuta, Melilla 144-156
> 194-20610   UK <>, Gibraltar,
> Sovereign Bases000-500 160
> Where relevant the allocated segments have been rounded inward to nearest
> integer kHz to ease the overview.
> Going on a DX-pedition
> Take this DX Survival Guide <> with
> you. Warning: PDF File!
> ------------------------------
> Near future allocations/out for hearingBelgium 69,950 MHzDenmark70,2875-70,3125 MHzRecent
> allocations, currently not allocated Hungary70,000-70,500 MHz (2007) Italy70,0875-70,1125
> MHz, 70,1875-70,2125 MHz and 70,2875-70,3125 MHz (2008)
> 2009/11/7 Antonio Matias <ct1ffu>
>>  Estes países nórdicos andam sempre de mão dadas.
>> A seguir à Finlândia vem agora a Noruega.
>> Seja bem vinda.
>> As of 5 November 2009 Norway has added 70 MHz<> to
>> the radio amateur bands in Norway, Svalbard, Bear Island, Jan Mayen, Bouvet
>> Island, Peter I Island and the Norwegian land areas on Antarctica.
>> Frequency spans: 70,0625-70,0875 MHz, 70,1375-70,1875 MHz, 70,2625-70,3125
>> MHz, 70,3625-70,3875 MHz and 70,4125-70,4625 MHz. Power limit is 100 W.
>> 73's
>> Matias
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Best 73 from: regards from: CT4RK Carlos Mourato - Sines - Portugal

Save the Radio Spectrum! Eliminate Broadband over Power Line. Salve o
espectro electromagnético!. Não use a rede electrica para transmitir dados.
Os "homeplugs power line" e a tecnologia "power line" causa fortes
interferencias noutro serviços sem voce se aperceber. Diga não à tecnologia
power line. Proteja o ambiente
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