ARLA/CLUSTER: New Regulation for the Amateur and Amateur-satellite service in Portugal.

ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej ARLA - Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentej
Segunda-Feira, 2 de Março de 2009 - 18:05:38 WET

A rather decisive regulation for Ham Radio in Portugal was finally
published in the official journal (Diário da República) this March the 2nd

The Decree-Law 53/2009 is in fact a new national regulation, governing the
amateur and amateur-satellite services, which will come into effect only in
90 days from this date.

This new radio regulation defines the fundamentals of the amateur services,
and regulates communications between stations in the Amateur and
Amateur-satellite services from Portugal.

Only a few hours spend from the publication this morning, there are no
official reactions so far, but many ham radio colleagues are by now
studding the new law, so reactions may come known really soon.
We all hope that this new regulation may reflect the current genuine
priorities and can turn into a cut with the traditional attitudes of a past
time long gone.

Previous provisions in an old-fashioned ham radio regulation dated from
1995, had let the country calling for a modern legislation, which could
face new technological progress and been released from rules that were no
longer necessary.

Portuguese ham radio colleagues also hope that the new regulation can
reflect simplification, including the updating of provisions to reflect
today's attitudes as well as the reality of radio communications, the
identification of some international standards for the qualification of
amateurs and to encourage the international recognition of amateur
licenses. The amateur service cannot afford to have countries ignoring the
international regulations.

In order to avoid provisions that can become redundant because the same
subject matter it is covered elsewhere in the national radio regulations,
we hope that this new document can also allow the Administration to make
additional conventions sequentially, to avoid in the future an evident gap
with the most recent technological demands, like until now.

In time, we hope that someone can afford to write an article to compare the
previous regulation with the new one, identifying what is new and what is

Another expectation concerns the previous demands concerning qualification.
It is fundamental that the amateurs may have appropriate operational and
technical skills in this country.

73’ from Miguel Andrade,CT1ETL.

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