Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Transmissor em FM com um único transístor.

hermes cardoso hermes.cardoso
Quarta-Feira, 3 de Junho de 2009 - 13:27:45 WEST

amigo do peto´.mão se pode usar isso:

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: João Gonçalves Costa 
  To: 'Resumo Noticioso Electrónico ARLA' 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 1:21 PM
  Subject: ARLA/CLUSTER: Transmissor em FM com um único transístor.

  YouTube - Single Transistor FM Transmitter
  A new video on YouTube shows step by step how to build a single transistor FM transmitter for about 90 pence ($1:50)

  The design is based on the 2N3904 transistor and it is made on a board about the size of the UK two penny coin. It has a range of about 200 metres.

  Watch the constuction video..

  For the parts list see the YouTube page

  Remember that the regulations regarding the use of such low power transmitters varies from country to country and it is recommended to check your national regulations.

  Fonte: Southgate Amateur Radio Club 


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