ARLA/CLUSTER: Mais de 400 registos para o próximo fim-de-semana no International Lighthouse/ Lightship Weekend.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 13 de Agosto de 2009 - 12:37:14 WEST


ILLW LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP NUMBERS ARE HERE<>. See also Guidelines<> about Numbers.

 No.    QSL Route/etc   WEB LINKS
Portugal        CT1EWA /p       Nazare  PT0004  CT6ARL  Web<>
Portugal.       CR6LH   Cabo Espichel Lighthouse        PT0005  CT1GZB direct or buro.  Web<>
Portugal. 3     CT1RVM /m       Farol de Santa Marta    PT0007  Via buro to CT1RVM      Web<>

DL takes ILLW lead and 400th registration

A late run of registrations for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (15 & 16 August) has pushed Germany's tally to 51, just ahead of its friendly rival Australia on 48.

Registrations today reached 407, setting a new record for the annual event that began in 1999. This year it has 12 lightships in eight countries including Germany's Lightship Fyrskib No 15 being activated by DLoYLM an all YL crew.

Martin Finger DL7MFK is officially the 400th registration with Leuchtturm Buk Bastorf on Germany's North East Coast facing the Baltic Sea. Built in 1878, and restored in recent years, it is an excellent example of German Imperial lighthouse architecture.

The USA is again strongly supporting ILLW with 43 registrations, ahead of England (38), Sweden (30), Argentinia (25), Netherlands (22), South Africa (13), Scotland, Finland, New Zealand (all 12), Belgium (10) and Malaysia (9).

Lighthouses will also be activated by radio amateurs in 29 other countries, including some DX entities and IOTA islands. More registrations are expected in coming days to see a new record set. To register online or to check out the full list visit<>

Listen on the bands this weekend and see how many lighthouse stations you can hear and contact. Many are issuing a special QSL card.

For its 5th consecutive year is VK3WI, the only Timeball Tower in the event ever - it is located at Point Gelibrand facing Hobsons Bay at Williamstown a suburb of Melbourne.

Others that will be eagerly sought after include AT8LHC at the Kadalur Point Lighthouse, India, VI2SRC50 at the Richmond Head Lighthouse celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Summerland Amateur Radio Club, New South Wales Australia, and IM0/I0PNM Cape Sandalo, S Pietro Island EU-165 Sardinia.

- Amateur Radio Victoria<>
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