ARLA/CLUSTER: Reportes dos Coordenadores de Emergência da IARU sobre o Terramoto em Itália.

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 8 de Abril de 2009 - 14:07:28 WEST

Italian radio amateurs assist in country's earthquake tragedy

The Italian Civil Protection legislation changed on 5th December 2008 and the responsibility for all emergencies now lies with the Dipartmento Nazionale Protezione Civile who have a hierarchical response structure to emergencies.

They are coordinating the response which involves a substantial number of general statutory and voluntary specialist groups, plus others on standby to relieve current workers together with material resources needed to support such a disaster.

The latest news is that the 7045kHz frequency is in use linking local rescue and coordination centres with Protezione Civile in Rome. Cell phone capacity in the are is being increased and a second wave of volunteers and workers are being prepared to go to the area to take over from the first responders.

The request to keep 7045kHz clear remains active and it would also appear prudent to respect the 80m 3640 kHz and surrounding area frequencies during the night period

DARC have pointed out the following YouTube video (in Italian) showing the local amateurs at work in the area.<>

There are now 7.000 volunteers involved in the response and the reported frequencies for activity locally are;

    * R4     CH- 145.700    Prefettura di Pescara
    * RU 8  CH- 430.800       "                 "
    * R1     AQ- 145.625    Coordinamento

    * HF     7.045    Headquarter in Roma of Protezione Civile

Other frequencies are being used inside the groups of volunteers as you can see from the many vhf frequencies shown on the Youtube footage .

Greg Mossop, G0DUB                                                                   Alberto, IK1YLO
The IARU Region 1 Emergency Coordinator         The IARU National Emergency Communications Coordinator for Italy

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