ARLA/CLUSTER: Politização das Manchas Solares.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 2 de Setembro de 2008 - 17:45:38 WEST

Segundo o US National Geophysical Data Center igual ao mês de Agosto
de 2008 somente existe um registo em toda a história referente a Junho
de 1913; ZERO manchas solares.

- Será que tudo isto não tem alguma relação com a alteração do clima
na Terra...?

- Ou será que este é um dos principais factores e não podemos fazer mais nada..?

A discussão está a passar da ciencia para a politica rapidamente,
servindo os dados obtidos e as suas diferentes interpretações, para
justificar as posições tomadas ou a tomar.

The Politicisation of Sunspot Numbers

The counting of sunspot numbers was once an academic exercise but has
today become politicised in the debate over climate.

At the break of dawn on 1st September, blogs spun into life saying
that August was the first month since June 1913 to record a zero
sunspot number.

This was before the US National Geophysical Data Center had even had a
chance to publish the formal sunspot number for August. Formal data is

Now August may well be the first calendar month since June 1913 to
record a zero sunspot count but the key word is 'Calendar'. There have
been longer periods of zero sunspots but split over two calendar

The reason for the interest in sunspots is simple. In Galileo's day
the 'Flat-Earther' view of the world prevailed and any other view was
considered heresy. Today the view that humankind is responsible for
the climate tends to predominate over the view that the Sun is the
main factor on the Earth's climate. Both sides in the argument are
keen to use sunspot numbers to further their cause.

This politicisation could add pressure to distort sunspot counts. Was
that speck really a sunspot ? What would you say if your job depended
on you giving a 'politically correct' answer ?

Galileo Galilei

Watts Up With That

Sunspeck counts, Sun Does Not have Spotless Month

First month without sunspots in a century

-- Fonte: The Southgate News website

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