ARLA/CLUSTER: EA8AVI worked EI2IP on 432Mhz

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quinta-Feira, 24 de Julho de 2008 - 17:30:37 WEST

EA8 worked on 432Mhz

During a good tropo opening, Robbie, EI2IP, worked several EA8 stations on 144Mhz using only 50w and a 10-element DX7ZB.

But, says Robbie, I also worked EA8AVI on 432,200MHz, on both CW and SSB.

Robbie's setup for 432MHz is a FT-847, 50w and 19-element Tonna at 10 metres high and 100 metres ASL. He is 2.5km from the Atlantic Coast.

Peter, EA8AVI, who is in Gran Canaria, was only using 20 watts. It's maybe a EI Tropo record on 432Mhz of approx 2,740Km..

Watch this short video of the contact in

Fonte: The Southgate Amateur Radio Club Web Site

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