ARLA/CLUSTER: CS8DFG - Frigate D. Fernando II e Gloria

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Sexta-Feira, 4 de Julho de 2008 - 20:11:09 WEST

CS8DFG - Frigate D. Fernando II e Gloria

To commemorate their 6th anniversay the Portuguese Navy Radio Amateur Club will be operating the special event station CS8DFG from the frigate 'D. Fernando II e Glória' on the 26-27th July.

The frigate 'D. Fernando II e Glória' launched in 1843 was built of teak in the shipyard of the old Portugese colony Damao (near Bombay, India) for the Portugese navy.

The special event station CS8DFG will be active from 0800z to 1900z on the 26 and 27th of July. The frequencies will be ±5KHz of 3.512, 7.012 and 14.012 KHz for CW and 3.690, 7.060 and 14.180 KHz for SSB. On both days operations will be interrupted from 1130z to 1300z.

For full details see:

Portugese Navy Radio Amateur Club

Fonte: The Southgate Amateur Radio Club Web Site
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