ARLA/CLUSTER: IOTA News 16 January, 2008

João Gonçalves Costa joao.a.costa
Quarta-Feira, 16 de Janeiro de 2008 - 11:11:22 WET


Island activities:

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AS-060, HL4, Cholla-Namdo Province Group: Chae,  HL5YI/4, plans to activate Sorok Island in Korea from Jan 18-21. QSL via homecall (d/B).


EU-026, JW, Svalbard: Unni, LA6RHA, plans to become active as JW6RHA from Spitsbergen from Jan 18-24. This will be Unnis 16th activity from JW. QSL via homecall.


NA-024, J3, Grenada: Gerhard, OE3GEA/J3, is working from Grenada Island from Jan 12-24. QSL via homecall (B/d).


SA-002, VP8/F, Falklands: Dave, G1OCN (VP8CLE), and Carol, 2E1DQZ (VP8DKW), are travelling the Falkland Islands between Jan 19 and Feb 2. They will be QRV in SSB on 3740, 7055, 14335, 18150, 21360, 28940 kHz and in FM via the satellites AO-51 and SO-50. QSLs should be sent only direct to: PO Box 2, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 4AP, England, Great Britain

Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
CU8AS     0947 AZO-016     Jan 20-Jan 29
CU8/CT3FN 0947 AZO-016     Jan 20-Jan 29
CU7T      1830 AZO-020     Jan 31-Feb 5
PW2M      1335 BRA-043     Feb 1-8
J48IS     4186 GRE-188/189 May 23-28
CE6AMN/p  CHI-071          Jan 20
HL5YI/4   1252             Jan 18-Jan 21
OE3GEA/J3 0718 GRD 001/002 Jan 12-Jan 24
8Q7AK     3911             Jan 21-Feb 2

Compiled by Fredy, DE0MST
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota<mailto:iota>

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