ARLA/CLUSTER: Repetidor D-Star

Jorge Santos nobre.santos
Quarta-Feira, 6 de Agosto de 2008 - 20:35:58 WEST

A Japanese Ham Fair 2008 irá estar activa com um repetidor temporário 
conforme notícia:


Repeater callsign: JP1YJJ A (439.25-)
JP1YJJ B (1291.33-)

Available date & time: 23 August 0100UTC - 0800UTC
24 August 0100UTC - 0800UTC

Please set UR of your rig to "/JP1YJJA" or "/JP1YJJB".

To: Foregin visiter

If you have following license, you can operate in Japan under
supervising Japanese licensee.

United States of America
Federal Republic of Germany
French Republic
Republic of Korea
Republic of Finland
Republic of Peru

If you want to operate in Ham Fair, please contact JARL booth.

Satoshi 7m3tjz


Jorge Santos - CT1JIB

Mais informações acerca da lista CLUSTER