ARLA/CLUSTER: "Switch Off" ao sistema analogico de TV no Reino Unido
João Gonçalves Costa
Quarta-Feira, 16 de Abril de 2008 - 15:53:32 WEST
Enquanto em Portugal, o governo e os restantes actores políticos e económicos se posicionam, nem sempre de forma muito clara e transparente, no caso da Televisão Digital Terrestre e da atribuição de mais 1 canal digital; no Reino Unido, agenda-se o "Switch Off" ao sistema analógico para 2009.
João Costa
West Country to go digital next spring
It has been announced that the West Country will switch over to Digital TV next spring with the old Analogue TV transmitters being switched off from April 2009.
>From the Digital TV Group
Digital UK has announced that the West Country TV region will start the switch to digital terrestrial television on April 8, 2009. Analogue broadcasts will be turned off first at the Beacon Hill transmitter group, followed by the Stockland Hill transmitter group on May 6, 2009. The remaining transmitter groups will follow between July and September 2009 to compete switchover in the region.
The West Country will follow the Scottish Borders, which will become the first television region to switch to digital television on November 6. On that date the first analogue TV signals will be turned off from the Selkirk group of transmitters and replaced with a stronger digital signal; the rest will switch a month later. The remaining areas of the Border television area will switch in the second quarter of 2009.
Fonte: Digital TV Group
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