ARLA/CLUSTER: DW diz adeus à Alemanha.
Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves
Quinta-Feira, 3 de Maio de 2007 - 18:25:28 WEST
In DX Window nº 323, de 02MAI'07:
Deutsche Welle leaves Germany on Mo, Apr 30. This will be their last day of
broadcasting via the Nauen site close to Berlin, operated by Deutsche
Telekom. Btw: The latest DW-QSL (#20) celebrates "100 Years of Nauen ". Most
of the time the site was used by R Berlin International and the last 10
years by Deutsche Welle Radio. (Kuhl in DXplorer, Apr 27). Instead the
Deutsche Welle is using numerous relay facilities around the world closer to
their target areas. (Ed)
[A R.Berlim Internacional - auto-intulada " Voz da R"D"A " foi o equivalente
leste-alemão da DW]
>From Jan 2007, VT Communications has broadcast 90 hours of programme content
daily for Deutsche Welle (DW), one of the world's leading international
broadcasters. The transmission agreement was signed in August 2006 by Eric
Bettermann (General Director at DW) and Simon Tarrant (Executive Director at
VT Group), and includes the provision of analogue, as well as digital short
wave services for the next five years.
The majority of DW services are coming from VT Communications' UK sites -
Woofferton, Rampisham and Skelton. By the end of Apr 2007, three new
transmitters will be installed at Woofferton, and this facility will also
become the central downlink and distribution hub for DW programmes, while
Skelton will see one new DRM-capable transmitter installed by the end of
July 2007. VT Communications is delivering a high degree of reliability
under its Service Level Agreement with DW, and look forward to increasing
transmission to over 150 hours daily, in due course. (NASB April) "
Carlos Gonçalves.
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