Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves carlos-relvas
Quarta-Feira, 14 de Março de 2007 - 19:41:15 WET

Good evening, Wolfgang!
Here's something for BC-DX.

4950 kHz RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1852-1906, 10 Mar, Portuguese, f/ball
match rpt.; 55343, noisy carrier & undermodulated. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4750 kHz Bangladesh Betar, Shavar, 1650-1708, 11 Mar, Bengali, local songs,
talks (news?) 1700; 35332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

5025 kHz ORTB, Parakou, 1026-f/out 1205, 11 Mar, French, talks, music;
25442, and then again 1512-1610, French too, Afr. pops, talks, sports news
1600, 35443. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4650.3 kHz R.Stª Ana, Stª Ana del Yacuma, 22289-2238, 10 Mar, Spanish,
talks, refs. to social aid & cooperation, news; 45332. (Carlos Gonçalves -

4716.6 kHz R.Yura, Yura, 2231-2241, 10 Mar, Quechua, few talks, Indian tunes
& songs; 25331. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4865 kHz R.Logos, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 2236-2244, 10 Mar, German,
preacher; 23331, QRM de B. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4775 kHz R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2222-..., 10 Mar, music, f/ball infos.;
34331, QRM de PRU (t).

4785.1 R.Cairi, Porto Velho RO, 2219-2232, 10 Mar, "sertão" songs, f/ball
infos, talks, ballads; 35342.

4805 kHz R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2217-2228, 10 Mar, advertisements,
talks on f/ball, results, match report; 35332.

4815 kHz R.Difª, Londrina PR, 2214-2224, 10 Mar, songs, TCs, prgr
annoucements, music; 35332.

4825 kHz R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 2211-2227, 10 Mar, soft songs & light
music; 45343.

4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2204-2220, 10 Mar, ID+addr.+fq,
health advices, music; 45343.

4876 kHz R.Difª, Boa Vista RR, 2237-2246, 10 Mar, talks; 34341.

4885 kHz R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1108-f/out 1125, 10 Mar, talks, music;
also 1939-2028, 10 Mar, talks,...,music; 15321 but improving (35433 at

4915 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO, 2240-2255, 10 Mar, religious prgr not
parallel to their other fqs, then in parallel for the 2300 newscast; 54343.

4935 kHz R.Capixaba, Vitória ES, 2242-..., 10 Mar, shouting preacher with
Castilian translator, all before a live audience where "miraculous" cures
were reported... - what a jolly good prgr for a change!...; 44343.

5035 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2318-2329, 10 Mar, songs, prgr "Com a
Mãe Aparecida", TCs; 44343 which is an above average rating at this time and
at least as far as my own loggings are concerned.

9530 kHz R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 2249-2302, 10 Mar, preaching,
ID+fqs+affiliated stns list'+webpage info, stn. slogan, prgr "Mulheres de
Esperança"; 55444; they ann'ed Bonaire 800 kHz would be in parallel as from

9565 kHz R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2251-2303, 10 Mar, preacher, phone-ins; 55444.

9615 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 2248-2307, 10 Mar, songs, ann. for Sun.
prgr "Brasil AM", oldies prgr at 2300; 55444.

9645 kHz R.Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2307-2319, 10 Mar, reports on f/ball,
incl. foreign matches, a.o. Portugal, Spain & Italy; 45444.

9675 kHz R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2309-2320, 10 Mar, lively
songs; 55444, but overmodulated and spilling over many adj. chs. - couldn't
they cure this?!

11805 R.Globo, Rio de Janº RJ, 1913-1927, 10 Mar, prgr "Futebol Show", rpts.
on several matches, e.g. América vs. América Mineiro; 55444.

17815 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 1724-1755, 11 Mar, Braz. songs; 25432,
and best received via the K9Ay loop antenna.

(all 18 de Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

7230 kHz R.Burkina, Ouagadougou, 1147-..., 10 Mar, French, talks prgr about
women's issues, news at 1200; 25342, and rated 45444 on 11 Mar at 1100.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

3988 kHz R.VoKomala (t), no. IRQ (?), 1710-1717, 11 Mar, Kurdish (t), talks;
32441, jammed; QSY 3928.7 at 1712. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

5025 kHz R.Rebelde, Bauta, 1025-f/out 1150, 11 Mar, songs, talks, infos;
35433. Co-ch Benin also audible... via the CeAfr Beverage.  (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)

5005 kHz RNGE, Batá, 1608-1631, 11 Mar, talks, but too faint to identify the
language; 15441. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

7165.2 kHz R.Ethiopia, Gedja Jawe (or is it Jewe?), 1653-1703, 11 Mar,
English, western pops, closing anns., addr. in the capital, French
prgr 1700, talks (news?); 32441, adj. QRM, rather stronger right after 1700
thus spoiling reception even further. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

7270 kHz R.Gabon, Melen (correct site?), 1055-..., 11 Mar, tribal songs;
13441, adj. DRM QRM 7275. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

7125 kHz R.Guinée/R.Conakry, Sonfony[i]a, 1112-..., 11 Mar, Vernacular, Afr.
music, talks; gone fefore 1200; 34433, adj. QRM only. (Carlos Gonçalves -

1566 kHz AIR, Nagpur, 1917-1935, 10 Mar, Indian songs, news 1930; 42432, QRM
de 2 UK stns + stn HLAZ in KOR; then a surprising 54433 later at 2200!
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4800 kHz AIR, Hyderabad, 1704-1718, 11 Mar, Indian tunes; 35433. (Carlos 
Gonçalves - POR)

4840 kHz AIR, Mumbai, 1707-1720, 11 Mar, Indian songs; 45433. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)

KOREA, South
1566 kHz FEBC via stn HLAZ, Jeju, 1914-1932, 07 Mar, Korean, preacher;
34332, QRM de G; rated 43422 on 08 Mar at 1750 during prgr in Russian, and
has been logged regularly since.  (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

11960 kHz R.Mali, Kati, 1235-..., 11 Mar, Vernacular, local songs, French
prgr later; 44443, adj. QRM; \\ 7284.4v poor.  (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

783 kHz R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 1635-1651, 11 Mar, Arabic, match report,
talks; 34433, QRM de E. 4845 kHz noted off during sev. days, e.g. 10 Mar at
1924 when 783 was rated 54444, but resurfaced since then. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)

4845 kHz R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 1632-..., 11 Mar, Arabic, match rpt.;
35443 and improving rapidly; \\ 783 at 34433. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4830 kHz Mongoliin R, Altay, 2209-2216, 10 Mar, Mong., talks, some piano
tunes; 35232; \\ 4895 Murun. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

1638 kHz RTM-"A", Rabat, 1016-..., 11 Mar, talks, traditional songs; 25341;
harmonic of 819 still w/ bad audio. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

7308 kHz RTM-"C", Sébaa-Aioun, 1057-..., 11 Mar, Berber, folk music, news
100, Harmonic of 1044; 25442. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

15720 kHz R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 2312-..., 10 Mar, English, sports, weather
forecast, Natl. R. prgr followed; 15432, and best received via the K9AY loop
antenna.  (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

9705 kHz La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, 1230-..., 11 Mar, French, end of newscast
(?), TC, tribal tunes prior to prgr in Vernacular; 35443. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)

4746.8 kHz R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2225-2238, 10 Mar, Spanish+Quechua, talks
oin society's problems & principles, Indian songs; 35342. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)

4955 kHz R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2245-2254, 10 Mar, Quechua, religious
prgr ment'ing Bible verses & chapters; 35343. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4896 kHz UNID COPE network stn (7 thereof listed), 1628-..., 11 Mar, f/ball
match rpt. & infos; harmonic of 1224 kHz; 35433. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)

4976 kHz R.Uganda, Kampala, 1621-1647, 11 Mar, Vernacular, talks; 24432,
het. with TJK 4975; improving. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)


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