ARLA/CLUSTER: DX material.

Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves carlos-relvas
Quarta-Feira, 21 de Fevereiro de 2007 - 19:33:57 WET


Samuel Cássio e Nicolas Eramo:

Dear Anker & Wolfgang,

Só agora, ao receber as v/ mensagens, pude constatar que o m/ correio desta 
passada 2ª-fª seguiu sem o respectivo anexo, e não entendo a razão.

Este é o material especialmente destinado à edição desta semana (nº 318) do 
DX Window, que deveria ter acompanhado esse correio.    Dado, entretanto, 
ter recolhido mais material em 19 e 20/2, este último seguirá mais tarde - 
talvez ainda hoje ou amanhã.


It was only today that I found out my last Monday's mssg. "took off" w/o its 
attachment: I have no means to know the reason.

The following is the mssg. intended for this week's DX Window 318 edition 
(thank you Anker).   Meanwhile, the items gathered after that, i.e. late on 
19th & 20th inst. will be despatched either today or tomorrow.




6214.2 R.Baluarte, Ptº Iguazú, 2313-2319, 17 Feb, Spanish, talks; 15331. 

6060 RAE, General Pacheco, 2319-2329, 18 Feb, Spanish, f/ball match report; 
43442, QRM de RAI. (Gonçalves)


2325 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 1942-2009, 18 Feb, English, talks, music; 
25342, but deteriorating; all 3 VL8 stns audible this time. (Gonçalves)

12080 R.Australia, Brandon QL (10 kW), 0810-0832, 09 Feb, English to PNG, 
match report; 25432, adj. QRM later on; // 9710, 9590, 9580. (Gonçalves)


5025 ORTB, Parakou, 2231-2244, 17 Feb, French, Afr. Pops, phone-ins; 54434, 
QRM de CUB.   Has been audible vy. late mornings. (Gonçalves)


3310 R.Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2321-2327, 17 Feb, Quechua, talks, 
phone-ins, Indian songs; 44343, adj. uty. QRM. (Gonçalves)

5952.4 R.Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2331-2340, 18 Feb, Spanish, talks, advertiments, 
Quechua, announcements; 34433, adj. QRM. (Gonçalves)

6105.5 R.Panamericana, La Paz, 2304-2314, 17 Feb, Spanish, religious text; 
53442, adj. QRM. (Gonçalves)


3255 R.Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, 2315-2330, 17 Feb, messages, music, 
announcements, advertisements; 44343, adj. uty. QRM.

4805 R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 0952-f/out 1145, 17 Feb, infos., ref. to 
"Operação Carnaval", music, f/ball infos. At 1030; 25433.   Has been audible 
at 1100 since.

4825 R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 2338-2345, 17 Feb, light songs,, ID+freq. 
announcement; 54333, heterodyne with PRU 4826.4.

4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropcais, Manaus AM, 1033-f/out 1130, 17 Feb, talks, 
songs; 15431.

4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2024-2036, 17 Feb, f/ball match rpt 
Atlético vs. Mineiro; 35232.

5035.1 R.Educação Rural, Coari AM, 2235-2245, 17 Feb, religious songs, freq. 
announcement; 44343, QRM de R.Aparecida.

5045 R.Guarujá Paulista, Presidente Prudente SP, 2336-2344, 18 Feb, reports 
on Canarval parades; 25331; also vy. weak on // 5940v.

9675 R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1142-., 18 Feb, religious prgr; 
14431, adj. QRM.

9694.9 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1144-., 18 Feb, mass; 24441, adj. QRM.

(all 9 de Gonçalves)


261 BR, Sofia (which is the exact site?), 2235-2249, 18 Feb, interview; 
54453, splatter de ALG 252; by. Quiet LF conditions. (Gonçalves)


7220 R.Centrafricaine, Bimbo, 1131-., 18 Feb, talks; 15341. (Gonçalves)


6165 RD. Natle. Tchadienne, N'Djaména, 1114-., 19 Feb, Vernacular, tribal 
songs; 23431, QRM de HRV but also de RWN in Spanish via Bonaire. 
Propagation wiped out all 3 stns later.  (Gonçalves)


3900 Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, 2235-2241, 18 Feb, Chinese, talks, tunes 
seemingly for advertisements; 35231. (Gonçalves)


5910 R.Marfil Estéreo via LV de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2331-2340, 18 Feb, 
Spanish, songs; 44433, adj. QRM. (Gonçalves)


5025 R.Rebelde, Bauta, 2228-2241, 17 Feb, Spanish, results on "serie 
nacional de baseball", songs; 54433, QRM de BEN. (Gonçalves)


3256.6 UNID Greek, 2009-., 18 Feb, Greek, songs; 23342 but disturbing 
reception of TWR via ZWL 3200 a little bit (rtd. 44333). Harmonic of 1653.3? 
If so, the fundamental was inaudible. (Gonçalves)

6295 Reflections Europe, IRL, 1658-., 11 Feb, English, religious propaganda; 
454544; // 3910 poor. (Gonçalves)

6299.8 R.Merlin, site?, 1525-1543, 10 Feb, English, pops, IDs, TCs; ann'ed 
s/off at 1600; 45433. (Gonçalves)


7270 R.Gabon, Melen or Moyabi?, 1125-., 17 Feb, French, Afr. Pops; 13441, 
adj. QRM.    And this earlier obs. in Lisbon: 0805-0851, 08 Feb, French, 
news till 0810, songs, talks; 24341, DRM QRM at 0900. (Gonçalves)


648 GRTS, Bonto, obs'ed 2012-2029, 17 Feb, English, news, govern. Speech, 
Vernacular at around 2025; 53443, adj. QRM de E 639. (Gonçalves)


4780 R.Cultural Coatán, S.Sebatián de Coatán, 2339-2350, 17 Feb, Chuj, Bible 
readings; 54333. (Gonçalves)


4450 KCBS, Pyongyang, 2328-., 17 Feb, Korean, talks; 25231, so much better 
on 01 Jan at abt. the same time. (Gonçalves)


12085 VoMongolia, Khonkhor, 0845-1045, 09 Feb, Japanese, talks, light music, 
Mongolian prgr 0900, Chinese 0930, English 1000; 44433 but gradually 
deteriorating, and barely heard at 1045. (Gonçalves)


15720 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 2304-2324, 18 Feb, English, news; 15442, 
deteriorating. Best reception via the K9AY antenna. (Gonçalves)

17675 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1955-2232, 18 Feb, English, weather forecast, tune, 

Dateline Pacific prgr at 2221; 15442; better at 2200+.   Best caught via the 
K9AY.  (Gonçalves)


9704 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 1220-1509, 17 Feb, French, news,., Vernacular 
1500, f/ball match report; 34443, adj. QRM de WYFR in Spanish, then co-ch 
QRM. (Gonçalves)


3375 R.San Antonio, Padua de Cállalli, 2326-2334, 17 Feb, Spanish, sermon; 
33342, adj. Uty. QRM.  (Gonçalves)

4746.8 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2344-2354, 17 Feb, Spanish, advertisemtents, 
Indian music; 54343, CODAR QRM. (Gonçalves)

4775 R.Tarma, Tarma, 2342-2352, 17 Feb, Spanish, detailed & lengthy adv. for 
a women's perfume like on 13 Jan (!); 54343. (Gonçalves)

4824.4 LV de la Selva, Iquitos, 0949-f/out 1130 (!), 17 Feb, Spanish, 
advertisements, songs; 14441, but noted better at 1030!  (Gonçalves)

5120.5 R.Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2255, 17 Feb, Quechua, 
talks; 34343. (Gonçalves)

6019.6 R.Vitória, Lima, 0851-0900, 09 Feb, Portuguese, shouting preacher; 
34432, blocked by DRM signal at 0900. (Gonçalves)


3320 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 2324-2346, 17 Feb, Afrikaans, 
interview, songs; 55444. (Gonçalves)


180 TRT, Polati, 2240-2251, 18 Feb, ballads, talks; 53452, adj. QRM de D 183 
spoiling a good, quiet signal. (Gonçalves)


5036 R.Uganda, Kampala, 1950-1957, 18 Feb, Vernacular, talks; 23441, adj. 
QRM de BEM 5025 but also BFA 5030 w/ a noisy carrier. (Gonçalves)


3396 R.Zimbabwe, Guineafowl, 2217-2232, 18 Feb, Vernacular, Afr. Songs & 
tunes; 53342, adj. QRM de annoying racketing signal. (Gonçalves)


5362 TRT (?), 2247-2303, 17 Feb, Turkish, songs, TS, news 2300; 44343; gone 
at recheck at 2309 but the carrier went on & off sev. Times. Some ext. 
mixing spur? (Gonçalves)


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