ARLA/CLUSTER: MMMonVHF Newsletter 2007-08-04
Jose guerreiro
Sábado, 4 de Agosto de 2007 - 22:37:01 WEST
Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends,
after 10 days holiday I be back at home and sorting all incomming infos.
During the time Ansgar and me parallel watched the scene and you did NOT
miss any info with MMM! Specially in advance and during PERSEIDs we would
like to inform you as good as possible! So we did set up a PERSEIDs SPECIAL
(see: and will update all around the clock!
Remember also to have the alternative to use the MMM-RSS Feed (use - we recommen RSS-TICKER at FIREFOX Browser)
Welcome the VHF-DX-NEWS again in short form via the NEWSLETTER
of "Make More Miles on VHF" the VHF-DX-Portal.
For more details, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page
and check for the latest updates
(last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange):
Latest incomming NEWS for the NEWSLETTER - MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal
as we told before Stefan, LA0BY, did pass us the maintenance and
visualisation of his VHF/UHF-BEACON-TABLES from up 1st july and we developed
a new Tool in MMM: The BEACON-Project. Erwin, DK5EW, will try for us to be
as up to date as possible. Of course your help, comments and updates are
very appreciated. So you will find a new topic called "BEACON" in the MENU
and uo to now you are able to find 3 band (VHF-UHF-SHF)
BEACON-VISUALISATION-Maps and a PRINT function (for YOUR Locator) as well as
a BETA test with GOOGLE MAPS visualisation (more follows later!) at MMM ...
David, EA1FAQ plan to be active from IN71 this nigth from 19UT to 6UT with
3wl Yagi and 100W. He have 3 skeds at 337. For Random his plan is call on
370 and qsy to the less qrm qrg . . .
D44TD HK86NO has become QRV and makes alot of QSOs up to now (LOG up to 3rd
9UT at: on the MOON and as well in
TROPO up to 2700km! EME-QRG has changed to D44TD TX First on 144.110 and RX
109-112 . . .
LA/PE1ITR is staying now in JP31GX. Not a good vhf location because a
mountains. Best qtf is 190 degrees with 5 degrees elevation. I try to qrv in
mornings or evening from this location. Sunday 2007-8-5 I'am driving to a
good vhf location to be qrv the whole day . . .
Oleg, UU1DX, will be arrived in KN85 and will be qrv next night from KN85FI
(with CAll UU1AZ) if anyone need - up to now he has trouble with the RIG!
RIG: IC910H GS35B 8el Yagi . . .
The team of LZ1KWT / LZ9X (LZ1UK, LZ1RB, LZ1OA, LZ3RR and LZ1KJ) will be qrv
before and maybe in the PERSEIDs again from their ufb takeoff in KN32AS. As
Savi understood LZ1KJ and LZ3RR are in KN32AS meantime and they are qrv 2m
Ms and 6m Es and some HF may be. Also he do not really know if somebody stay
for the maximum of the shower or not . . .
Team of ES5PC, ES5MC, ES5RY, ES5MG, ES5QX, ES5JR and YL2PJ (plus XYL(s),
kids ,dog and cat) are qrv from 1.08 to 6.08 in Latvia KO36SI or SJ. MS-QRG
mostly 144,376 MHz . . .
EA3BB/5 will be QRV on MS FSK441 in the borther of IN90 and JN00. On sunday
12 will be QRV from IN90 and on monday 13 from JN00. EA3BB/5 will be QRV
from 00 UTC to 12 UTC both days calling on 144363 first
Team of Alex, RA1QA and RA1QAX will be on expedition to LO09AC in Perseids
MS-Shower on 144MHz. Rig 300 watts and 15 el 5.5 wl dj9bv yagi. They will
work only RANDOM and be looking to the ON4KST-Chat . . .
Vlad, RW3XR will be qrv 12-13 Aug. on 144MHz MS FSK441 from KO74DA. RIG:
300w 2x4,5wl BV Start info ON4KST chat . . .
EA6IB vhf team (EB6AOK, EA6QB, EA6FB) will active JM09SB during Perseids
shower mostly MS on 144, but some activity also on 50 if station is ok . . .
Alex, RA3MR, will be trying to be qrv from some KO-SQRs in the big MS shower
PERSEIDS as EW/RA3MR during that time in MS and EME . . .
RX3QFM, RZ3QD and RK3QWM Expedition Team qrv during Perseids from KN99PW in
FSK441. Equipment: FT-897D, 14dBd, 500W . . .
Tom, DG7TG, Operator of DL0RSH informed us that he try to activate Helgoland
JO34WE on 07. to 08.Aug. 2007 - On 07.08.2007 we will be QRV in NAC,
17:00-21:00 UTC - Freq. 144.350 USB - On o8.o8.2007 06:00-12:00 UTC we are
QRV in FSK first on 144.370 + - . . .
LA1FDG is going to activate JO39rn 1-2 September on the annual nrrl field
day on 144 MHz and probably 50 MHz as well as other ham bands + satellites.
On 144 MHz there is a 19el long boom yagi 10.5meters whit preamp and a
The Group of YO5TP, YO2QC, HA5OV, HA5UK and HA5CRX will be activate the KN15
square during the PERSEIDS Meteorshower. Working QRG: 144.381 - same as
YO5KUW in 2006. YO5KAI/P always first . . .
Ronny, DL1RNW send us a Mail from at home (2007-08-03) and did pass MMM the
Log from his Baltikum Trip: see :
Serge, RX1AS, told in KST-Chat about an activity from rare Square KO68TS:
UA1AAJ/1 is qrv but only cw ssb (no MS) . . .
HB9FAP will be as usual active during the perseids from JN46EW at 1830 masl
with a UFB takeoff NW-N-NE-E. Any sked is welcome with distance up to 2500
KM. Takeoff SE-E-S-SW is OK for MS distances up to 2000 KM . . .
Giancarlo will be leaving for his summer QTH in Alghero - Sardinia. He'll be
ready for both 144 and 50 Mhz starting at Saturday moonset. 3 weeks stay
until August 25th. Call will be IS0/I0JU and locator JN40DN . . .
As well Aurelio, I2KQE will be back in Sant'Antioco Island JM49EA. He will
be in air meantime and is looking specially for 23cm contacts to EA/F
stations . . .
Robin, G8APZ, hopes to be QRV from 7th - 14th August on MS (144.370 and
144.357 +-QRM) and possibly EME on moonrise/moonset (144.133 +-QRM) as F1VJQ
from IN95 again. The antenna will be a single 17ele yagi for the Perseids,
and EME, with no elevation . . .
Gigi, IV3GTH, will be back in T9 for holidays over the PERSEIDs time and so
he will be available on MS from T9 that time. Dates probably I will be ready
10 Aug afternoon until 20 Aug morning. This will be "holidays" activity and
it will be concentrate on Perseids shower . . .
EA2BFM team are going to mountain for the Spanish National Contest
(4/5.aug), beaming in all directions, from this QTH is possible work
stations of DL, ON, PA, G, EI (UK) Looking for us EA2BFM/p IN83FE round
144.270 MHz and 432.270 MHz. There are no problem for QSO in CW . . .
EA1FDI/P qrv from Montes da Ruña, 650mASL in IN52LW on 144, 432 and 1296 MHz
on 4th and 5th of august . . .
The F1UCQ/P Team will be QRV this WE from JN02XR at 2017m ASL - QRV only on
2m Band - IC7400 + 500W 2 x 11 Flexa Yagi and 1 x 14 DK7ZB - Hope Good
propagation . . .
Ralf, DK4KW is trying to be active at the "Abraumhalde am Schneckenstein"
MA-DL 012 in JO60FJ for the mining and hamradio program. The activity will
take place parallel to the "Bayrischer Bergtag" and "Sächsischer Feld- und
Bergtag". DK4KW/p JO60FJ 883m asl . . .
Steffen, DD0VF informed us, that UW5W will be QRV in September-Contest from
KN29AU on 144MHz in SSB/CW . . .
Summits on the Air (SOTA): Several new SOTA postings for HF and 70 / 144 /
430 MHz. For a total daily overview we recommend: ...
S.R.Event the 1st Italian Special Call. I wish to inform you that some
Italian SRT Members have made a request to Ministery for Special Call "SRT"
during the S.R.Event 2007 in October. The Special call "SRT" will be active
in all the bands. Greetings Oreste, IZ8EDJ / HB9EFS . . .
ON60HRT is the special event callsign aired by the radioclub HRT throughout
2007 to celebrate 60 years UBA. The club station is QRV on HF to EHF from
Olen (JO21kd). Club VHF/UHF standby frequencies: 145.475 / 433.475. A
special QSL card is available for working/reporting ON60HRT . . .
PLEASE do remember we are only trying to spot/announce the expedition infos
- we are not responceable what happens during the time or the expedition
itself, or when the expedition do NOT get QRV! As well we will NOT spread
out any "hidden infos" or "unreachable (IP-restricted) links" at MMM...
Tnx a lot for the news and infos these time to: EA1FAQ DL8LAQ DL8YHR PE1ITR
and as well IOTA/SOTA-RSGB, GB2RS-News, EA6VQ-News, SM7AED's 50 MHz notes,
425-DX-News, F5NQL-News, NG3K-News, VA3RJ-News, VHF-DX-RU, OZ6OM Daily DX,
REF-Bulletin and infos we did find at the ON4KST-, EA-V-U-SHF- and
N0UK-Chats and other Net-sources...
If you do see, or hear, or work yourself an expedition, which is NOT (or
with WRONG infos) at our MMMonVHF-page, PLEASE drop us a comment use
"CONTACT" at the webpage or via mail: info
Have a pleasant DX on VHF and see you during comming openings...
73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW
for the Team
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