ARLA/CLUSTER Engenharias&Tecnologias, newsletter n.8,
1 de Marcode 2006
Miguel Andrade
Quinta-Feira, 2 de Março de 2006 - 20:17:05 WET
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De: Engenharias&Tecnologias [mailto:engtec]
Enviada: quinta-feira, 2 de Marco de 2006 11:51
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Assunto: [Provavel SPAM] Engenharias&Tecnologias, newsletter n.8, 1 de
Marcode 2006
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N: de exemplares entregues na passada semana: 2715
Engenharias&Tecnologias n.8 Copyright 2006, 1 de Marco de 2006
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EDITOR: Antonio Sergio Sena, asena
- Notas do Editor
- Artigos de Interesse
- Novos Componentes
- Eventos
- Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
- Emprego!
- Acerca da Engenharias&Tecnologias
Notas do Editor
Um aviso a todos os subscriptores: recebemos varios emails relatando a
dificuldade de ler algumas palavras, devido ao "charset" usado. A partir
desta edicao, nao se acentuarao as palavras de lingua portuguesa, ficando os
textos, assim, mais perceptiveis. Visto os nossos subscriptores serem tambem
estrangeiros, foi a medida que optamos fazer, para que todos possam ter
acesso a nossa newsletter.
Numa leitura atenta das varias edicoes desta newsletter, pode ser observado
que tenho dado particular relevancia as novas tecnologias energeticas,
especialmente as limpas.
Nunca e de mais realcar que estamos perante grandes mudancas a nivel
tecnologico, bem como politico, e especialmente pessoal.
Pelo menos ca em Portugal, tudo comecou ha uns anos com a simples introducao
de eco-pontos em sitios estrategicos, que habituam as pessoas aos simples
actos de separar o lixo que produzem.
Entretanto, o norte da Europa foi sendo invadido pelo aproveitamento
energetico sustentavel: solar, eolico, entre outros.
Ca em Portugal, nos ultimos anos, tem-se notado uma aposta bastante moderada
neste tido de alternativas, com o disparo de novos concursos e contractos no
passado ano, e ja com grandes perspectivas para este ano.
Vai-se falando no Nuclear, mas o que e certo e que as alternativas nao estao
devidamente exploradas, a comecar pela forca das mares.
Com a nossa linha de costa maritima, a perfazer sensivelmente 50% das linhas
limitrofes do territorio, nao se entende como ainda pouco ou nada esta
A minha seleccao de noticias desta semana, recai um pouco sobre energias
alternativas, bem como tecnologias de transmissao de dados sem fios.
Entretanto, se tiver sugestoes na medida de como podemos melhorar esta
newsletter, e o seu site, queiram fazer o favor de me contactar
Melhores cumprimentos,
Antonio Sergio Sena, Editor
Artigos de Interesse
## "Energia Renovavel" - conversco de diesel para sleo de cozinha
Entrevista com Thomas Renatus Fendel, inventor do kit de conversco de diesel
para sleo de cozinha
# Mira Amaral defende que Mibel foi erro geoestrategico do Governo
# Turning on the Juice
A raging thunderstorm knocks out the electrical power in your home, and
you've got 20 pounds of milk, eggs and meat spoiling in the refrigerator. So
what do you do? If your vehicle has a 110V ac power connection, you take the
food outside, plug a portable fridge into the car, and save the day.
# Ham Radio Earthquake Detection
A few years after I got my license, Dad called me into the shack one night.
He pointed out the signals from a Southern California station. The signal
was quite strong in our Bay Area home, but it had a strange 'echo' to it. It
sounded identical to the multipath ringing that West Coast stations often
hear on European signals coming over the pole.
# Electronic Design Europe Digital
# NAND Oversupply to Impact DRAM Market
The present NAND flash memory glut is not destined to last very long but
even after the overage is resolved, the excess supply will continue to have
a significant negative impact on pricing for DRAM, according to El Segundo,
Calif.-based iSuppli Corp. Slower seasonal demand, combined with overbooking
and inventory adjustments, has caused the NAND flash memory market to enter
a temporary lull.
# Virtual-current mode: current-mode control without the noise
A new dc/dc-switching-regulator design approach combines the best features
of current- and voltage-mode control. Until now, the ideal approach that has
been eluding designers is a practical CM-controlled regulator without
noise-susceptibility challenges.
# What's the best method to charge power tool batteries?
"I have a Bosch 18v rechargeable drill and when the battery goes down I
recharge it and put in away for next use. Two or three weeks may go by and I
go to use it again it's "dead". Since I have 2 batteries I'm keeping one
CONSTANTLY in the charger so it's ready for use. My question is, is this a
good practice or am I doing harm to the batteries?"
# "Chipless RFID forecasts, technologies and players 2006-2016"
# view this week's digital version of Electronics Weekly
# Beyond the China mystique
China may not be your best location for manufacturing when you analyze your
overall strategy
Novos Componentes
# Free Power Measurement and Analysis Guide
Streamline your power measurement process with this 20-page Power Guide from
Tektronix. It includes information and techniques on: power supply basics,
pitfalls of active component measurements, best ways to do passive component
measurements, tips on power quality measurements and more.
Two new boost convertor ICs are designed to maximise the power available
from single- or dual-cell NiMH or alkaline battery packs by providing 85%
DC/DC conversion efficiency and operating from battery voltages as low as
IceBlue and uIceBlue are extended Bluetooth OEM boards that combine
PIC16F877/PIC18F4550 microcontrollers with the Emxys PearlBlue for complete
embedded applications. The modules include all the functionality of
PearlBlue module plus the capabilities of the best-in-class PIC
microcontroller range from Microchip Technology.
# IQPC ZigBee conference will be held February 27 to March 1 in Munich
# TI Developers Conference 2006: Preview New Products.
Solve Design Challenges. Learn About the Latest Trends at TIDC 2006
# Analog by Design Show, High-Speed Data Transfer
# ZigBee Developers' Conference
# Learn the Latest Bug Finding Techniques
# Managing Noise and Ground in Precision Analog System Applications
Ideia de Montagem, circuito experimental
A semelhanga da semana passada, aqui vos apresento mais uma ideia de
projecto, que igualmente serviu de entrada no concurso da Microchip.
Como o concurso e estrangeiro, toda a informacao esta em ingles. O projecto
e apresentado na versao original.
# Toothbrush Timer #
Flashing lights inside a toothbrush handle teach impatient toddlers to brush
long enough.
Stanfords Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital reports that most children
spend less than a minute brushing their teeth instead of the recommend three
to four.
To encourage good brushing habits, a PIC10F220, battery, LEDs, and motion
activated switch are integrated into the handle of a childs toothbrush.
The MPU counts whenever movement is detected and stops when the brush is
After four minutes of accumulated brushing time, the lights indicate the
brushing goal was reached. If inactivity persists beyond some threshold, the
timer resets.
The lights could indicate status several ways. A tri-color LED could glow
green when brushing begins, yellow/orange when 15 seconds remain, and red
when done.
Alternatively, an LED facing the bristle side of the brush could illuminate
the first two minutes then one facing the back would light for the latter
two minutes, reminding the child to even divide time between upper and lower
Many other variations are possible the final selection depends on consumer
acceptance and cost.
The circuit must be disabled during shipment i.e. with a small pull tab
that isolates the battery terminals. After some number of uses, the lights
could blink in a special pattern, indicating the bristles are worn and need
to be replaced.
To promote the product, the manufacturer could program a handful of brushes
to blink a special light sequence after their brushing lifetime has been
exceeded, indicating the user has won a prize like another toothbrush or
free dental checkup.
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qualidade, para clientes exigentes. O seu objectivo e apresentar solucoes
flexiveis e inovadoras, com os mais elevados padroes de qualidade e
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