ARLA/CLUSTER: DX material (the remainder)
Carlos L.R. de A.Gonçalves
Quarta-Feira, 6 de Dezembro de 2006 - 18:17:20 WET
Dear Wolfgang,
Thanks for the tip. I always suspected
at least a few of those Greek pir. stns would work under those condx and
putting signals above 1 kW, and would say the Dutch R.Barones follows suit
despite the local authorities. By the way, this was often referring to a
certain "Veronica" singer - is she German?
Meanwhile, here's the rest of the DX "Brennstoff"...
4950 kHz RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1854-1915, 01 Dec, Portuguese, fqs
announcement (945, 1088, 4950, 7245), IS, TS, news; 45333... so new tx at
last? I obs'd this several times this day & Sat. 02 Dec, and there was
always a silent carrier on top. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4750 kHz Bangladesh Betar, Shavar, 1511-1538, 03 Dec, Bengali, talks, local
songs, English for news 1530; 24342, QRM de CHN. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4716.8 kHz R.Yura, Yura, 2331-2337, 01 Dec, Spanish, talks, songs, ID+fqs;
23331, uty. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5952.5 kHz R.Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2325-2247, 01 Dec, Spanish, chats & music,
TCs, infos., interview w/ a school headmaster; 33422. (Carlos Gonçalves -
5980.2 kHz R.San José, S.José de Chiquitos, 2238-2246, 01 Dec, Spanish,
local rhythms; 15331. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4754.9 R.Educação Rural, Cpº Grande RS, 2341-2352, 30 Nov, talks; 24341.
4775 kHz R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2328-2337, 01 Dec, lively rhythms &
songs, chats; 34433, QRM de PRU (t).
4805 kHz R.Difª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2349-0005, 30 Nov, songs, TCs,
advertisements, sung ID "Difusora"; 45433.
4815 kHz R.Difª, Londrina PR, 0002-0013, 01 Dec, announcement for prgr
"Musical RDL", folk songs; 34332.
4825 kHz R.Educadora, Bragança PA, 0005-0015, 01 Dec, newscast; 44333.
4865 kHz R.Alvorada, Londrina PR, 2320-2329, 01 Dec, announcements, songs,
infos & news on catholic issues; 35343.
4876 kHz R.Difª, Boa Vista RR, 2313-2319, 01 Dec, songs; 15341.
4885 kHz R.Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1920 (!)-..., 01 Dec, talks, news 1930,
advertisements, youth's prgr "Club da Tarde"; 24322, improving steadily.
Fading in around 1845!
4894.93 kHz R.Novo Tempo, Cpº Grande MS, 2309-2318, 01 Dec, religious prgr,
prgr announcement for Sat+Sun, sung ID, "canções da Bíblia"; 33342, adj.
4915 kHz R.CBN Anhangüera, Goiânia GO + R.Difusora, 1940 (!)-..., 01 Dec,
one airing talks, the other with music; 23331, reciprocal & adj. uty. QRM.
4925 kHz R.Educação Rural (t), Tefé AM, 2302-2314, 01 Dec, (unreadable)
talks; 24331, echoing audio.
5035 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1950-2007, 01 Dec, talks, prayer 2000;
13331; \\ 9630 strong but under QRM.
5969.9 R.Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2232-2244, 01 Dec, talks,
advertsiments; 32431, adj. QRM.
9530 kHz R.Transmundial, Stª Mª RS, 2002-2014, 01 Dec, news till 2007,
religious prgr; 34433; inaudible on \\ 11735v (which uses or used to s/off
1900 any way).
9565 kHz R.Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2005-2015, 01 Dec, refs. to pastor David
Miranda, annoucements; 34433.
9615 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 2212-2236, 01 Dec, cultural feature "A
Nossa Língua Portuguesa", prgr announcements, oldies prgr "Gramofone";
9629.97 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2131-2154, 01 Dec, Voz do Brasil w/
Jornal do Senado, then news from Câmara dos Deputados; 54444.
9664.98 kHz R.Marumby, Florianópolis SC, 2134-2154, 01 Dec, Voz do Brasil w/
Jornal do Senado followed by the Câmara dos Deputados bulletin; 44433.
9675 kHz R.Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2140-2156, 01 Dec, Câmara dos
Deputados news in Voz do Brasil; under modulated & clipped; 55444.
9685 kHz R.Gazeta, São Paulo SP, 2143-2155, 01 Dec, Câmara dos Deputados
bulletin in Voz do Brasil natl. newscast; 33442, QRM de CRI carrier at 2155
for Portuguese prgr /2200.
9695 kHz R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1838-1851, 02 Dec, talks; 32441, QRM de CRI
in Bulg.
11780 kHz R.Nacional da Amazó[ô]nia, Brasília DF, 1547-1609, 03 Dec, songs,
stn announcement, "noticiário Rádio BRAS"; 35433, but worse than R.Brasil
Central 11815 at same time!
11855 kHz R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1605-..., 03 Dec, songs; 14431.
17815 kHz R.Cultura, São Paulo SP, 1850-1900, 02 Dec, Braz. jazz, prgr
announcements; 25421, then blocked by adj. QRM de RWN (via Bonaire?) /1900
on 17810.
(all 24 de Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
Date CORRECTION on this rpt sent y/day, 05 Dec:
>>> the logging date is 3rd Dec, NOT 2nd.
6165 kHz Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djaména, 1112-1330, 02 Dec,
African pops,..., folk tunes; 33432, QRM de HRV. This catch is surely the
result of having increased my CeAfr mini-Beverage from 80 to nearly 300 m on
Fri., 01 Dec. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
3950 kHz Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 2332-2344, 30 Nov, Chinese, talks, light
music & songs; 54343; slightly better on \\ 5060. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6050 kHz Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1348-1357, 01 Dec, Chinese, talks;
25332; \\ 7240. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
7240 kHz Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1341-1356, 01 Dec, Chinese, talks; 25342;
\\ 6050. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
3879.1 kHz VoCommun.Party of Iran, no. IRQ site?, 1820-1833*, 02 Dec, Farsi,
songs; drifted to 3878.06 at s/off; 32341, jammed; \\ 4374.6 also jammed.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4374.6 kHz VoCommun.Party of Iran, no.IRQ site?, 1828-1833*, 02 Dec, Farsi,
songs; 32341, jammed; \\ 3879.1v. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5025 kHz R.Rebelde, Bauta, 0917-f/out 1140 (!), 01 Dec, Spanish, songs,
talks,..., news; 55444. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
252 kHz RTÉ, Clarkestown, 1336-1355, 01 Dec, English, sports news,
info on water supply disruption, advertisements; 34444, QRM de ALG.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4780 kHz R.Cultural Coatán, S.Sebastián de Coatán, 2344-2356, 30 Nov,
Spanish, folk songs; 34332, adj. uty. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4799.8 kHz R.Buenas Nuevas, S.Sebastián, 2346-..., 30 Nov, Spanish,
religious prgr; 23441, adj. QRM de CHN 4800. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4860 kHz AIR, Delhi, 1513-1531, 03 Dec, few talks, Indian songs, news 1530;
vy. bad 1530; 25332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4950 kHz AIR, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, 1515-1533, 03 Dec, Vernacular,
advertisements (?), English, news 1530; 25332, but poorer 1530. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)
4870 kHz AIR, Shillong, 1517-1526, 03 Dec, Vernacular, talks; 15331, almost
inaudible 1530. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5010 kHz AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1519-..., 03 Dec, Vernacular, talks,
English for newscast 1530; 25342. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
11675 kHz R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1902-1957*, 02 Dec, English, news, Sports
World, fq. announcement 1956, IS; schedule 1950*, not later; 45433, but
extremely poor at s/off. Best rec'ed w/ the K9AY. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
11725 kHz (new) R.NZi, Rangitaiki, /1751-1800, 05 Dec, IS, English, weather
rpt.; 45444, but then almost blocked by DW /1800 in German. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)
17675 kHz R.NZi, Rangitaiki, /1958-1907, 02 Dec, IS, TS, English, news;
14431, adj. QRM e CHL 17680. Best rec'ed with the K9AY antenna.
(Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4755.1 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2339-2351, 30 Nov, Quechua, messages; 34342,
QRM de B 4754.9. Also obs'ed 01 Dec 2330-..., 35433. (Carlos Gonçalves -
4855.4 kHz R.La Hora, Cusco, 2321-2330, 01 Dec, Spanish, talks on the "Copa
Libertadores"; 35343. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4940 kHz R.San António, Villa Atalaya, 2254-2315, 01 Dec, Spanish, light
songs; 35332. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
9720 kHz R.Vitória, Lima, 2146-2158, 01 Dec, Spanish, preacher; 33442, adj.
QRM, then QRM de DW-Kigali RRW /2200 in Bahasa Indonesian. (Carlos
Gonçalves - POR)
555 kHz Ziz R, Basseterre, 2324-2332, 02 Dec, English, talks, interview;
32441, adj. QRM. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
5025 kHz R.Uganda, Kampala, 1840-1853, 01 Dec, Vernacular, talks; 43442,
adj. QRM de BEN 5025 + BFA 5030. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
4695.2 kHz SoAm (?) stn, 2335-2347, 30 Nov, Spanish, talks; 25231; also
2335-..., 01 Dec, 4695.30 kHz, same SINPO rating. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
6305 kHz Europirate (Mystery Radio?), 1109-1325, 03 Dec, non-stop pops;
25432; drifted to 6309.9, then to 6310, rated 45433 at 1507. I do think this
is was a temporary fq shift as 6220 was occupied. This emanates from
Italy - true? (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
11735 kHz R.Tanzania, Dole, Zanzibar, 1601-..., 03 Dec, Swahili, newscast;
44433. (Carlos Gonçalves - POR)
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